Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thing 38: Screencasting

Image representing ScreenToaster as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase

I skipped Thing 37 for now and went to screencasting. I chose ScreenToaster so I wouldn't have to download any software to my little netbook. It was pretty fun. You were saved from a very boring "How to use Gmail" screencast at the last minute when I got the Tweet about Mark Twain Motivational Posters.

It took me several tries to get it right. If you open ScreenToaster in one tab and your content in another, there is no indicator that you are recording. The first time through I got hung up and coludn't stop the recording. One nice feature is that you don't save the screencast until you have the one you want. You can record, view, and then just re-record, without having to name files and then delete them.

A feature that would be good would be the ability to change the shape and position of the recording area rectangle. My final screen wasn't placed quite where I wanted it to be.

A library could amass a collection of these to explain using the library web site, getting a hotmail or yahoo e-mail account, or navigating a subject area, say, the job search section of the web site. This would be great!

Personally? I don't know, I can't think of an application. I did consider stringing together some of my favorite design, art, and picture sites; but I'm not sure who would view it. I've been trying to persuade my sister to sign up on Facebook. Maybe I should send her a "how-to" screencast!

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