Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thing 37: Photo Tales

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

I probably spent more time with less result on this Thing than any other. You've heard it before: I have a new computer. The old one is in a sad corner of the spare room, and I didn't trust my technology (or want the time-consuming bother) of putting the iMac back together, transferring the pictures onto my memory card that has been uncooperative lately, and uploading them bla bla bla. So I puttered around trying to copy my Flickr photos onto some of the other aps. N o can do. Tried with my PictureTrail photos. Looked again for the memory card and adapter and after a lot of fiddling, was unable to find any photos on the card!

So I took my new camera out of the box (Did I mention that the old camera broke? And that I didn't want to futz around setting up the new camera? And did I mention that I took advantage of Mother's Day camera sales so I'd have one for this Thing? And did I mention that I thank you for the excuse?) and futzed around setting it up. It went more smoothly than I had dared to hope, and I went out into the garden and snapped a c0uple dozen shots.

I was able to upload them to FLickr fairly painlessly, too. I'm getting better at this! Some of it, anyway.

I wasn't happy with any of the sites I tried. The mosaic site had a server error and didn't work. I've forgotten what the problem was with the second mosaic site. I wanted to caption all of the photos, but the photo captioning was one picture at a time, and I didn't have the patience for that.

Tiltshift, Comeeko, and Bubblr were all boring with flower pictures. I did use Flickrslidr to create code for an embedded slice show, seen above.

All that remains is to try some of the other slideshow software. Wish me luck.
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